For almost 4 years now, My Guy and I have been dating. We don't have the weekly dinners, with Grandma. :( But we do try, and see his Grandma, at least a few times a month. If you are a regular reader, then you know, we travel a lot. A LOT! And our plate is always full! But we carve out the time.
Grandma and I rotate the cooking. If she really wants some Mexican food, I cook. If I'm dying for fried chicken, she cooks. We swap recipes. Cookbooks. And of course, food! I'll even admit it here. Sometimes when My Guy is working, I go to his Grandma's house. To have dinner. While he works! :)
A couple of weeks ago, Grandma called me. She was making a feast. And wanted me to go over. Someone was working. So I went alone. And it was such a fun night! We just caught up on things. Nothing fancy. Just 2 chattin' ladies. Oh, and I got a present. This cookbook! Which I've been putting to great use!
Fast forward to this week. We've decided to stay in the SW. Between all this work. I'm performing Thursday-Sunday. In Sin City. My Guy is also working here this weekend. But we did have a day or so, to just run off and get lost.
We did just that. At my house. It was a little funny. We "roughed" it a bit. As there is no hot water. And we can't use the kitchen sinks, or washer. But we did have 1 running bathroom. And a kitchen. So I cooked a yummy meal. A hardy beef stew. And made cornbread. From this week's Gooseberry Patch Free Recipe of the Week. Which is also from this cookbook!

Tina's Crusty Cornbread
1/4 c. butter
1 c. plain yellow cornmeal
1/2 c. stone-ground yellow cornmeal
2 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
8-oz. container sour cream
3/4 c. sour milk or buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
1 c. finely shredded Cheddar cheese
Add butter to an 8"x8" baking pan or a 9" cast-iron skillet. Place in a 425-degree oven 5 to 6 minutes, rotating pan to coat the sides with butter. In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients; stir until well combined and glossy. Pour batter into pan. Bake at 425 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes, or until top is golden. Cut into squares or wedges; serve warm. Makes 8 servings
I wasn't sure what to think. My Guy is from the South. And there are certain things, that you just don't mess with. Like fried chicken. And cornbread. But I was feeling adventurous. And I made this recipe.
OMG! It was delicious! I don't know, what exactly makes this different. But there was something different about it. It was so good! I will admit it. I ate one bowl of stew. And almost all the corn bread! By myself. Yes, I did share with this guy. And he liked it too! ♥
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