Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beautiful Inspiration

I've been "On the Fence" about my home. There is a Realtor, that is very interested in my home. So much so, I'd make a good deal of money, with the sale. As in, more than double what paid for it...11 years ago.

But it's my home. Although, I spend little to no time there. It's my "security blanket." And I'm not totally sure about parting ways. Not just yet. Instead, I'm looking at putting a lot of TLC into my home. Since I decided to spend more time in the Southwest this Summer, I've also decided to tackle some "Home Projects."

First up, is some not so fun stuff. Back in May, I worked for 2 weeks. In music stuff. And added to my "nest egg." Because I've known for a while now, that I NEED a new roof. And let me tell you, they are NOT CHEAP!!! A family friend, owns a roofing business in the area. Their estimate, is between $40,000-50,000. Way too high for me! So I'm still on the search. I also have a pretty urgent plumbing issue to fix. Another $500 project. :( Oh, and a new hot water heater...

Those are 3 HUGE projects. Very costly! But there are also many smaller things, that I can tackle. Can I be honest here? I bought paint almost 18 months ago. And that's one project that I'm ready to tackle. Lots of painting! A little sewing. I NEED some curtains. Oh, and a little yard work. :)

But I'm not disappointed. These are things that NEED to get done. But I'm also looking for some inspiration. Not only is this my first home. But it's definitely a "Girl Home." I've got tons of candles, throw pillows, and fun colors.

With a limited decorating budget, due to the important work that needs to be done, I've gone to Pinterest for a little inspiration. Oh, and let me tell you, I'm not disappointed! Just wondering, how much I can get done in 2 months. Just look at this dining room!!!

I'm in LOVE!!! Those flowers, are AMAZING! I'm thinking, they'd be fun in my office. Which is already a fun space. That inspires me every single day. And the crisp white room, WOW! I want a similar looking room. Not for a dining room. Maybe a laundry room. Or guest room.

If you have any ideas, or inspiration, please let me know! Although I'm working on a few different projects, working on my home, is ALWAYS my favorite. Because it's my space. I don't have to think about what someone else likes. Just what I enjoy. Not in a spoiled brat, sort of way. But in the sense, that I won't always have this space. That is just mine. And I want to enjoy it. I want to enjoy my dark purple bedroom, my chandeliers, and all the "girly" touches. ♥

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