The weeks usually go like this. Monday we wake up exhausted. It's our ONLY day off. And we usually stay in bed 'til noon. I'm not going to lie, sometimes later. Then we laze about the house. I make a HUGE meal. And we catch up on our favorite TV shows, and movies. Tuesdays we are back to work. I leave the house at 3AM for work. At the hospital. This guy heads into work, around 8AM. We're lucky, to both get home before 10PM. Lucky! Wednesday is usually a repeat. I also have to cram in study time, family time, and a little work (that pays MY bills).
Thursdays are ALWAYS a whirlwind. I leave at the same maddening hour! I get off at noon, sometimes 2PM. Rush home. Quickly pack our bags. And we're leaving on an airplane before dinner time. This is usually the ONLY day, that we eat out. If not, we wouldn't eat!
Fridays usually leave this guy working. Say 7AM to 6PM. Give or take, depending on what he's doing. Saturdays, he works 7AM to 4PM. And Sundays, he's working 7AM to 5PM. Give or take. Some weeks are different. But most are like this.
And on the weekends, I tend to get most of my studying done. Most. I write papers, do research, all that good stuff! And I hangout with this gal. Who also happens to be My Bestie. And get lots of "Q-time" with Baby C!!!
But rarely if ever, do we leave "where our guys work." You see, we stay in some pretty fancy "Homes on Wheels." Also known as "Motor Homes." And we stay in them, all weekend. Hanging out. Cooking. Napping. Things like that.
This week, I was dying to do something fun. Something out of our "Comfort Zone." I wanted to go hiking. And hiking we went!!! I also convinced some other friends of ours to go. We called in lots of sitters, for the kiddos. Let the guys know, they were on their own for meals. All day long! And we headed out.
It was magical!!! The mountains were AMAZING!!! The fresh air, felt so good. And the workout, left my body craving more. We also got to have lots of "Girl Time." With friends, that we don't usually spend this much time with. We laughed. Ate. And just had a good time.
It was something we don't do often. Something I truly wish, we'd do more often. Because, we all do so much for our men. And rarely take the time to "Recharge Our Own Batteries." Today was definitely that kind of day.
And when we got back, our men had cooked us dinner. Got the kiddos cleaned up, and in their PJs. Oh, and our "Homes on Wheels," were still in one piece. Yes, I don't think we could have asked for much more.
Our friends left about 30 minutes ago. I've taken a steaming hot shower. And just sat down. Waiting for this guy, to finish up my little treat...

Yes, that would be an "Orange Soda Float." A new LOVE of mine! Perhaps I can also convince him to give me a massage. And maybe watch some sappy movie. Because this man's girlfriend, is in a pretty good mood tonight. And is hoping for an early night. Yes, our Friday was pretty wonderful! How was yours? ♥
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