Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

The last few months have been tough for our family. Especially my Dad. I can't believe that just 2 months ago, he was fighting for his life. Literally. It was the first time that I really was faced with losing him.

My entire life, I've known that my Dad isn't going to be around forever. I've always known that I will have significantly less years with my parents. Because they were older when I was born. But suddenly, it became real. Harshly real.

So today, it's extra special. Not just because it's my Dad's birthday. But because God let us have him for one more year. That is very, very special. And I know a lot of that has to do with all the love, support, and prayers that we received from so many people. Thank you all again!

I've come to realize just how important it is to say, "I Love You." I'm not one to say that much. But if I've learned nothing more than this small lesson, always say what you mean. You don't realize just how quickly life can change. One minute, you're wrapping Christmas presents. The next, you're watching your Daddy fight for his life. Yes, it happens that quickly!

Happy Birthday Dad! You mean the absolute world to me! You're the very first man that I ever loved. And that ever loved me. I've looked up to you my entire life. Wanting to be the very best, just to make you proud.

Today is all about you. The things you want to do. Celebrating. And just enjoying life. I'll be saying tons of extra prayers today. Thanking our Dear Lord for allowing us more time together. Time to make memories. And to love one another as a family.

For everyone reading this, tell that special person just how much they mean to you. You never know if you will see tomorrow. And you never know if you'll get one more day to celebrate. Live every day to it's fullest. And with no regrets. Take it from my Daddy, and live your life without fear. ♥

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