Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fire and Raincoat

It's been raining a lot around here. A LOT! It makes me think. I probably should have packed better. In terms of "weather" related clothing. And it "made" me start some online searches. Where I found a few very cute things. But nothing as good as this...

The Fire and Raincoat from ModCloth. They get me every single time! Anything that I'm looking for, somehow leads me to ModCloth. The prices are usually pretty good. But it's definitely the clothing that I save up for. You know what I mean?

But this is one raincoat that I might have to splurge on. I really like the cut, the color, and the timeless feeling of this beauty! The collar just makes me smile. Now if I could just squeeze $100 from my bank account. Why do I have such a hard time spending money on myself? ♥

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