Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My best friend is now 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Yup, she knows exactly when she got pregnant. Because she's in the middle of a divorce. So she knows when Baby C was made. :)

My poor friend. She's uncomfortable. And HUGE! And she just wants to meet Baby C. My Guy and I are going to be her Godparents. And we're so excited to meet our new Goddaughter too! But Baby C is just chillin'. Waiting. And making us wait forever!

Today, while My Guy was working, I spent time with my best friend. Just hanging out. I went with her to her "Non-Stress Test." Which looked good. We got to hear Baby C's heartbeat, and we got to see her beautiful little face. She is amazing! And oh so beautiful! There are just no signs of her birth. She's just comfy as can be. And well, her induction is planned for October 15th. That's 42 weeks pregnant!

My best friend and I decided to embrace one last day of "Single Lady, No Baby Fun." We went out to lunch. Boy did we eat! This was the first time in a long while, that my friend has really enjoyed a meal. And I'm so glad I could share it with her.

But we couldn't stop at just lunch and the doctor. Oh no! We did some shopping. You know, just for my friend. We may or may not have bought her some luscious new blankets and PJs. We also got her some fun makeup and nail polish. You know, the fun stuff. And I took her out for a little bit of pampering. As in Mani-Pedis. And a luscious massage or two. :)

Yes, it was a lot of fun! We did lots of shopping. We may or may not have bought out a Baby Store or 2 along the way. Um, that was the only thing that My Guy had told me to do before I left. Was to buy lots of stuff for Baby C. And we sure did! Lots of cute dresses, big bows, and fun toys. All I have to say is that Baby C is going to be one very stylish little girl! Yes, she is also going to be so spoiled!

And as much fun as we had today, we can both agree on one thing. We're ready to meet Baby C. I just wish that My Guy and I don't have to be in California this weekend. But it's work. And we can't get out of it. Hopefully, Baby C waits until we get back. Or maybe she will be born on her Nono's birthday. :) ♥

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