And we prepared, the most perfect little nursery for him. Going to many, many stores. Hunting around the internet. Swatching paint. Many late nights sewing his sweet bedding. All of this, because we loved him so much. From the very first day, that we found out about him.

Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams my darling, the day is done.
The moon is here to say goodnight to the sun.
Gather your blankets and climb into bed.
Close your eyes and lay down your head.
Rest for now with peaceful dreams,
Of twinkling stars and shining moon beams.
Sweet dreams my darling, sweet dreams my love,
Sweet dreams my precious gift from above.
~Kimberly L. Brennan-Smith
Today, this guy became an uncle again. We have a new nephew! And we are both so excited! A beautiful baby boy. So sweet. Innocent. And perfect! We just can't wait to meet this new, and perfect little soul. We already love him so very much! Happy Birthday 'Lil W! ♥
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