Today, I slept in. Woke up late. So happy that My Guy had ordered me a late breakfast. Yes, I'm in LOVE with Room Service! And I curled up, with the best strawberry crepes. And this book...

I actually came across this the other day. While shopping with my Mom. And I couldn't pass it up! Not for $2.97!!! When did Wal-Mart, start selling books, for this price? So I bought it. Along with 10 others. All for this great price. When you read as much as me, you really do get excited about news like this. :)
I spent a good portion of my afternoon, snuggled deeply in my blankets. Reading this great story. I don't regret a second of my day. Lately, I've been putting on this brave face. Today, I just listened to my body. And rested.
It also helped, that this wonderful man, came back early. And we spent, the last few hours cuddled up. Napping. I think we need to schedule in, a few more days like this. ♥
Wow great deal on the books. Have you heard of It is free and lets you trade books with other people. It might be a good option for you to get new books, if you can bare to part with the old books@!
I've never heard about that site. But I'm definitely going to take a look. I usually visit the library, 3 or 4 times a week. But I do have books, that I could part with. And I'd definitely enjoy sharing them. And learning about some new ones. Thanks for sharing! :)
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