Yes, I was one of those crafters, that didn't know Mark Montano had written a craft book. Where have I been? Then I stumbled on it at Barnes and Noble. About had a heart attack. And bought 4!!! Good Christmas gifts. :O)

Did you know that there is a second? Yes, I bought that one too. Then I realized, they'd make great giveaway prizes!!! So I went back, and bought another set. Let me tell you, there are some great ideas in these books!
OK, here are all the details. I will ship internationally. The winner will receive both books. And a few surprises. The giveaway is open from December 12th 12PM-December 16th 3PM MST. And all you have to do is, leave a message with a link to your favorite craft blog. That's it! Don't forget your e-mail address, if it's not on your profile. Good Luck everyone! And you might want to come back after New Year's. Let's just say, I'm getting ready for another giveaway! ♥
My favorite craft blog is
I check it daily (sometimes a few times a day).
Wow, a book with this title HAS to be amazing!! I follow this blog a lot because she is making my quilt for me and I admire anyone who can sew. Hopefully I can learn someday!
laoul1 at gmail dot com!
my current favorite craft blog is sewmamasew, ofcourse! http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/
One of my favorite crafting blogs is http://stumblesandstitches.blogspot.com/. Great tutorials and cute projects.
best blog in the west!!!
is that cheating??
rubberduckywon at gmail dot com
One of my favorite crafting blogs is No Big Dill at http://thedillspiel.blogspot.com/
jordann.m..hall [at] gmail.com
My favorite craft blog is Chica and Jo
Not sure if this one counts as a blog but it is my first stop for any ideas.
Then I go here:
But I love to read these two blogs, both are wonderful in their own ways.
and: http://www.creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com/
My favorite craft blog at the moment is: http://www.thediydish.com/blog/
Thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite craft blog that I check every day is craftgossip.com I love seeing the collection of crafts from around the internet.
One of my fave craft blogs is http://www.makeit-loveit.com/
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have really enjoyed weefolkart.com lately. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I like www.mochimochiland.com
Have so much about these books and would love to own a copy...one of my fav craft blogs is www.flamingotoes.com
Such a great give-away.
One of the loveliest creative crafty blogs would be Plushka's craft at http://plushkacraft.blogspot.com/.
Sew Mama Sew has the best blog out there!
I still really miss the magazine!
I'm supposed to pick a favorite? Craft blogs are like craft books- I can never get enough!
Sister Diane, at CraftyPod (http://www.craftypod.com) is pretty awesome.
The title of the book is very interesting.
My favorite craft blog: http://www.dana-made-it.com/
Eep! Both books - I'm so in :)
My favourite tutorial blog is www.oneprettything.com. They make up little lists every day and I am yet to find one without a tut I liked.
Happy hunting.
Thank you for a great giveaway.
My favorite blog for crafts is http://craftgossip.com because it has links to lots of great craft blogs.
Those books look great!
I am not sure that decorated cookies count as a craft, but I say they do! :) So, here's my favorite craft blog...
My favorite craft blog is Attic 24 from Lucy
thanks for the chance to win it :)
I really like www.michelemademe.com
My favourite craft blog is obviously sewmamasew !!
Currently my favourite craft blog is http://thecraftersapprentice.blogspot.com
Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @ http://kiwigetscrafty.blogspot.com
great giveaway.. my favorite blog is http://www.ohfransson.com/
My favorite is Sew Mama Sew, of course. I also like How About Orange (howaboutorange.blogspot.com). These books look awesome!
I start every morning with my coffee and http://www.oneprettything.com/
My favorite craft blog is http://craftgossip.com/ - they have everything!
crystalarcand (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite? Ooo... that's tough.
How about one of my favorites?
Just Crafty Enough http://www.justcraftyenough.com/
During Project Runway season they meet the challenges with barbie doll clothes instead. It's hysterical!
Well, assuming I can't link you up to my own blog...LOL! My favorite is Moxie Fab World! (http://www.moxiefabworld.blogspot.com). It's great!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
Well other than my own of course lol I love owensolivia.blogspot.com - cute crafts and one of the nicest blog peoples I've met!
My favourite craft blog is sew mama sew....
What a wonderful surprise you give to us.
Thank you and kind regards from Germany.
yay! my fave is brett baras blog http://www.brettbara.com/ :) raineoc@yahoo.com
I love http://craftgossip.com/. All kinds of different crafts and all in one place! I love it!
pupton58 at gmail dot com
love her.
thank you.
My favorite is www.sewmamasew.com/blog2
She is wooo ...rainbowish:-)
my favorite craft blog is Film in the fridge. She makes some beautiful quilts!
http://craftgossip.com/ is an awesome blog.
s1204als at ptd dot net
I like http://www.thediydish.com/ They do a lot of crafty sewing, with videos. That's always a big help.
www.purlbee.com/ is one of my favourites! Thanks for the giveaway!
Www.makeit-love it.com
Love these books!!
nancebagance at yahoo dot ca
I like to look for new ideas at One Pretty Thing.
These books are awesome. I would love to have them :)
My go to craft blog is http://craftzine.com/ They have a little bit of everything.
I have the first book, but I would love the second book! If I happen to win, could you pull another name and send them the first book? Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com
ok. its not a craft blog exactly, but I have found so many blogs thrus this one.
Okay... I already answered this question today once and to be honest... I wasn't able to pick one blog! So I'll stay true to myself and give you for of my favorite blogs (some of them quite unknown but all of really cool and nice persons! :))
Mich L in LA
Für große Mädchen (okay, this one is on german, but I think pictures speaks for themselves and there are more pics of her stuff than any text ;))
Michelle made me
Some nifty things
My favourite craft (well, sewing) blog is burdastyle.com. So much inspiration, as well as free patterns!
These book look awesome!
Choosing my absolute favorite craft blog is really, really, really hard to do. Though, if pressed, I think I'd have to go with Blue Is Bleu: http://blueisbleu.blogspot.com/
She talks about a lot of stuff, not just crafting, but it's great. :)
Thank you for taking part in Giveaway Day and for offering such awesome goodies!
my favorite is www.sewmamasew.com
Thanks for the give away.
Great giveaway! I love this blog:
My favorite craft blog currently is actually a sewing blog/community: www.sewweekly.com
Great Giveaway!! My favorite craft blog is Anna Maria Horners (I LOVE HER). :) http://annamariahorner.blogspot.com/
Sewmamasew of course;)
This has to be a awesone book set with a title like that!!!
I love checking out craftser.org or craftgawker.com
I love http://www.stitchedincolor.com/
michaelacking (at) gmail (d0t) com
I don't really have a favorite craft blog... I like a few that are out there so I guess I will list http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/ as my favorite
It's so not ok to say my own blog right!? Fine fine, my favorite blog other than e one I pour my heart and soul into ;) is ikatbag.com
Oooof! You're asking me to choose a favorite? Well I could be cheeky and sat www.sewtara.com since she's a friend of mine but she was a big inspiration to me to start sewing and she really some make some dang cute things!
But to be honest I think my favs change with every sew mama sew giveaway :P I always end up with a new slew of blogs I follow.
I can't say I have one fave, I do use the Crafty Crow and One Pretty Thing a lot when I am looking for a craft idea
right now my favorite crafting place is makeandtakes.com their kids crafts are quick and simple for those "let mommy wash dishes" moments.
goldencrafter (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like http://seekatesew.blogspot.com/
Woo hoo! My favorite craft blog is: http://www.theplaidscottie.com/
She's friendly and makes me laugh...and is very talented!
Oh my, I have so many favorite blogs! Just one example is Skip to My Lou:
Does Cake Wrecks count? LOL
www.cakewrecks.com It is too funny for words and it's all handmade cakes after all.
Thanks for the chance to win!
AWESOME giveaway!!!
LOVE their site. Crafty, interior deisgn, more crafty... love it!!
Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy Holidays!
Wow, those books look fab, I've never seen them before.
My fav craft blog is Le monde Sucrette - she's on wordpress & they go directly to my email... but I can't find a direct link :(
I would sooooo LOVE to have those books!!! My favorite craft site is www.craftster.org my favorite blog would be sewmamaew!
I love the Big Ass Book of Crafts. I checked it out at the library and was sad to give it back.
My favorite craft blog is: dana-made-it.com/2008/07/tutorials.html
I love the kids' clothes tutorials. I've used several and have plans to use more. Plus Dana takes great pictures and shares lots of useful information. And she has a fabric book coming out soon.
My favorite is prudentbaby.com - such a cute assortment of crafts with easy tutorials!
This book looks awesome!
ucreate! carrie dot hare at gmail.com
i have two little girls - how much fun we would have with these books!!!!!!!!
i don't have a favorite but i love sewmamasew, amy's creative side and the purl soho blog!
thank you for the chance to win.
I love http://www.u-createcrafts.com
Those books look fantastic!!
My favorite blog is Stitched in Color:
Lots of great tutorials, pretty quilts, and just fun reading.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Oh my - just one? That is HARD! I love so many. But if I had to pick one I guess I would pick http://www.ikatbag.com/
Lier is not just an awesome crafter and writer and seamstress ... she is just a lovely person! She amazes me all the time!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway - the books looke amazing!
Ms Muffin
I love so many craft blogs, I'm struggling to think of just one I can recommend, it doesn't seem fair to the others! One of my favourites is http://bustleandsew.blogspot.com/
i love the sew mama sew blog! lots of great ideas on there and it's my go-to blog.
Play At Home Mom is a must-read for anyone with kids!!
One of my favorite blogs is http://www.dana-made-it.com/
Thanks for the giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway! It is so hard to pick just one craft blog but I will say http://spinsterstitcher.blogspot.com
I also have a blog and am trying to get it up and going with lots of followers.
I get a lot of good ideas from http://www.makeit-loveit.com/
Thanks for the giveaway and this list of some great new-to-me blogs!
What a great giveaway. My birthday is Saturday, so this would be such a great birthday present!
My favorite craft blog: http://www.kojodesigns.blogspot.com
I love this blog: http://dekoherz.blogspot.com/
It's not a craft blog at that way, but she's showing wonderful decoration to make. And I just love to watch here. The bloglanguage is German only.
Thank's for your lovely giveaway! I saw this book on Amazon these days and add it to my wishlist - funny to have the chance to win it here:)
I love Sew Mama Sew because it connects me to so many clever people!
I love whipup.net..Its what make me find sewmamasew!
So I know it's not new to you but I love the SMS blog! They lead me everywhere. Most of what craft blogs I love I "met" through SMS.
Not strictly crafts or a blog - but pinterest wins!
I'd have to go with sewmamasew.com
check out those acorns!!
thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Wednesday DIY postings on Design Sponge.
Thanks, and I'm going to enjoy reading all the other responses, because a girl can never have too many crafting blogs!
art crafts kids etc...
so, i'm going to cheat and say 'google reader' since it pulls all my favorites together, and i can't pick. i love dollar store crafts, made, we wilsons, who's watching the baby, etc.
My favorit is http://didyoumakethat.wordpress.com/
Is it cheating to say Craftgossip? I love that they pull a ton of blogs together in one place. Thanks for the great giveaway, those books look fantastic.
I am partial to noodle-head.com. Those books look fabulous. I can't believe I haven't seen those yet. Merry Christmas!
Oh wow -- wonderful books! Thanks for the chance to win them. :)
It's hard to pick a favorite craft blog, but if I had to name just one, I would pick this one:
Happy creating
and greetings from Germany,
fun giveaways.
I like soulemama...inspiring!
I love Saltwater Kids- http://www.saltwater-kids.com/
Thank you for the giveaway. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
I really like http://lilysquilts.blogspot.com/
at the moment I'm jealous of all the things on http://crochethealingandraymond.wordpress.com/ and wish i could try them all...
oh wow!! my fav craft blog is prudentmama.com
thanks so much!!
What a cool present! :)
My favorite "craft" blog (and i put that in quotes because I don't know if refashions really count as crafts) is Wardrobe Refashion:
You can't post things anymore, I don't think, but all the archives are still there to be perused, and there are so many different inspirations you could go twenty years and not look at them all.
Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)
sarita0818 at comcast dot net
I like The Idea Room http://www.theidearoom.net/
My favorite craft blog is Lil Blue Boo http://www.lilblueboo.com
A great giveaway I would love those books.
I follow blogs that add the personal touch to the crafting side so here are some
Thanks for the chance to win!
The books look amazing! My fav craft blog at the moment is missmollycoddle.blogspot.com
my fav craft blog is Under the Table and Dreaming
Well, Sewmamasew of course, but I also like sew4home and myownroad.
One of my faves is Craftaholics Anonymous. She's a very good writer, good pictures and it's just a really creative place.
One of my favorite craft bloggers is alewives girl.
oh ok I think this site is fun.
Happy crafting everyone!
Now to go look at all the fun sites everyone has posted! I will never get my christmas crafting done. LOL!
THank you for this fun giveaway!
I'm addicted to craft blogs...
dvdenter (at) gci (dot) net
I have a favourite sewing/cooking/etc blog: http://www.dana-made-it.com/
This is such a cool looking set of books. I would love to win. My fav crafty blog is Deb from works in progress.
My favorite craft blog is...
My crafting obsession started when I read my first post on that blog, lots of great ideas!!
Thanks for the chance at winning such an awesome prize!
My favorite craft blog is http://rigierukodelki.blogspot.com/
Thank you!
Ruffles and Stuff! www.rufflesandstuff.com/ I just wish that she'd post more. :)
Wow,this is amazing giveaway,so generous of you.My favorites are
Happy holidays!!
My Cakies is awesome! http://mycakies.blogspot.com/ Love these books!
I really enjoy reading Grosgrain. Such fun stuff!
my favorite is http://www.modabakeshop.com Love the detailed tutorials and the ease of using precuts!
I like prudentbaby.com. And I sometimes do crafty things on my blog morelikehome.blogspot.com.
I love visiting kireei.com
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
I love this question, because now I can read other comments and visit some more great places to learn a new skill :) My favorite blog is Linda over at straystitches1@blogspot.com (yep, the "1" needs to be there :) She has quilting tutorials, will inspire you with her cross stitch finishes and major quilting finishes and also teach you trivia you didn't know about the day, or month. It's where I start my day :)
My favourite is the Purl Bee, great tutorials: http://www.purlbee.com/
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Thank you!
I always check Sew Mama Sew first and then do a search for whatever I'm working on.
My favorite craft blog is craftgawker.com It's great seeing what a variety of people are working on. I get so many awesome ideas from it.
I think my favourite is either MADE, or the Sewing Dork!
fave is a new site I found which is random tutorial generator... takes you to loads of great blogs.... thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
I love the crocheted snowflakes on http://www.snowcatcher.net/
MADE is my favourite blog.
jmclean at mts dot net
for crochet patterns
my favorite crafty (and other things) blog is http://www.domesticanarchy.com/
also recently discovered pinterest and that's where I usually browse these days.
love this amazing modern quilt blog:
lisabrideau at yahoo dot com
One of my fave craft blogs is Making More With Less www.makingmorewithless.blogspot.com
This is the blog that got me drawn into the SMS giveaway! I'm enjoying it all
My favourite (because it was the first I ever stumbled across) is http://pippaslongstockings.blogspot.com/
I would love to win your giveaway! My favorite craft blog is www.curbly.com. After the holidays, I am coming back to YOUR blog to check out everyone else's favorite sites to visit. I am bookmarking this page. Thanks for the chance to win!
Amazing! I would love to win these books. Picking one craft blog is hard, but I really like the Purl Bee...http://www.purlbee.com/
Um...I hadn't realized he'd written books either. Boy do I feel behind on things!
I just adore designsponge too much that even though I spend far more time than I ought to on craft blogs, it remains my favorite.
My girls LOVE crafting. This is a blog I like:
THANKS for the chance at those books!
My favorite is www.sewmamasew.com of course!
one of my favorite craft sites is http://somedaycrafts.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I love to follow http://sewingdork.blogspot.com/
She has some great projects and makes me laugh too.
i love amy at http://lotsofpinkhere.blogspot.com/ michellecaldera82@yahoo.com
madebyjoel.com or dana-made-it.com
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thank you. mamalusco at ortelco dot net
I love checking out craftgawker.com so I can get a big variety of crafts. Variety is the spice of life!!
A lot of my favourite craft blogs have been suggested here: Caftzine, Lil Blue Boo & Oh Franson.
I would also throw in http://www.thediydish.com/blog/ I made their mini dressform mannequin recently and it is gorgeous!
Another vote for dana-made-it.com. Lots of great sewing tutorials!
Thanks for the giveaway!
best blog!!!
My favorite craft blog these days is http://www.charlottelyons.com/ I adore her! Thank you for the chance to win!
This one is my fave right now:
Love all of the boy stuff!
Thank you for the opportunity, I can't get over the names of the books(Love)!
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