Although, My Guy and I had already decided to spend the holiday alone, I knew I had to be with family. My Mom and I talked about it. And we decided on Christmas Eve. For a lot of reasons. One being the weather. And my Dad not really being able to go out. It's been snowing. And so cold! We didn't want to risk, him getting hurt.
I started calling up family. And my Mom and I, got to cooking. I baked for days. Tamales, rellenos, and empanaditas were made. I wrapped presents every single night, for 2 weeks! All that hard work, really paid off. And I've never been happier!

The holidays are such a special time. A time for all of us, to enjoy family and friends. To teach family traditions. And make new memories. Just like Thanksgiving, my parents' house was so full of people. And love! Not everyone made it. That's unfortunate. But a reality in our family.
My older brother came for about 5 minutes, as everyone was leaving. Late in the evening. My second youngest brother, and his family didn't make it. They didn't tell us, until that night, that they didn't have a ride. He lives about 30 minutes out of town. None of my sisters came. And well, we never expected my youngest brother. One of my nieces also had plans. And my younger nieces and their mom, don't celebrate until January. I don't know...
But we had tons of people over. I spent lots of time with the kiddos. Watching a silly Christmas movie, opening presents, and playing games. Of course, we sat and talked. And you know what, those little ones are so special. Carry so much in their little hearts. And make their auntie's heart just break!
There was lots of chatting. And laughing. Making new memories. Remembering our past. And Thanking God for our Daddy. Prayers were said. The real Christmas story was told. We placed baby Jesus in his bed. And Thanked God for our loved ones.
It's been years, since my parents hosted the holidays. Thanksgiving and the same year. We did it a lot, when I was really young. But the family grew apart. This year, was just a glimpse, of those special days. Of a time, when life felt so special.
I have to say this, it was a lot of hard work. To prepare everything. But, it was so well worth it! At the end of the night, both of my parents thanked me. And I was taken aback. Me? Why? All I did, was help them.
The last year, endless health issues, and tough times...really have made me think. Life is worth so much more! Time to set aside our issues. Time to love with everything we have. Time to get back, to what is important. I wouldn't trade these memories, for anything in the world. It was such an amazing holiday! ♥
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