It's crazy. Today, is someone's birthday. Someone that was, once very special to me. A close friend. Heck, I thought of her as a sister. We were that close...
Then one day, things instantly changed. No real explanation. No warning. No clue. It just ended. As quickly as we had become friends. It was over. Final.
It still seems so weird. It's been nearly 3 years. I don't feel any better about it. It was 1 message on MySpace. It ended it all. Crazy how that happens. I still feel such a sense of shock. I still grab for the phone, to call her. Or want to send her an e-mail. Or just want to talk to her.
I've seen her 2 or 3 times since. And we've never spoken. Never done much of anything. But look at each other. I still wonder how that happened. How such a good friend, could just, I don't know. Walk away? Push me away? How did we let it come to this? I'm not sure...
But I do, still think about her. I have for a while. Then today, I woke up and realized, that it's her birthday. How crazy is that? It's her birthday!
I want to call her. Tell her that she is amazing. Wish her the best. But how do I do that? Does she still live in the same place? Does she ever check MySpace? Because I know I don't. Does she still have the same e-mail? I don't know...
But here we are. One small disagreement later. There we are. Not talking. Not communicating in anyway. But I miss my friend. "Kindred Spirits" don't come along often. A miscommunication, a mistaken identity, one bad day. This is where we are. I miss her. "Little G." I miss her laugh. Her "old school" way of life. Most of all, I miss my friend...Happy Birthday Little G! ♥
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