Dear Baby Jellybean,
Today, is your birthday sweet girl! I just can't believe, that you are here. So perfect. And beautiful. Everything about you, is just right! A baby girl, that we've all waited for. And you are absolutely perfect!
Not long ago, in fact yesterday, your Mommy and Daddy asked your Nono and I, to be your Godparents. We were both so surprised! And excited! What a blessing, this is to us! We're so excited to be a part of your life. A special part. To help shape the woman, that you will grow into.
Baby Girl, you are already so amazing! So LOVED! With a beautiful life in front of you. We can't wait to watch you grow. And help you along the way. Today, God bless us all. You are a perfect little Angel. Sent to us, to love, nurture, and protect. We all LOVE you! Happy Birthday!
Your Nana♥
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