Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Movie Date Night

Since we got the good news yesterday, we've been going 100 MPH!!! Lots of things, that had been previously, "Put on the Back Burner," well have to get done. ASAP!!! So we're are busy again. I know. Life really never does stop.

My Guy, worked for a few hours today. Getting back "Into the Groove of Things." You know, until we start traveling tomorrow. I've been running around. Picking up things that we need, heading to the store, just making sure we'll have everything that we could possibly need.

But tonight, we decided to take it easy. Head to the "Lake House." Order in some food, from our favorite Japanese resturant. And watch a few good movies. Starting with The Help. One of my favorites. And surprisingly, one of My Guy's favorites too! Just don't tell anyone. ;)

We also watched The Secret Life of Bees. I'd never seen it. Neither had he. But we'd had it, in our collection, for a few years now. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but it was still sealed! I know...

Honestly, it was such a good movie. Super cute. Dakota Fanning, and Queen Latifah make the entire movie! How come I don't remember this movie? Like I never remember hearing about it. But somehow, we had it. :) Now I want to read the book. The books are always better, than the movies. Don't you think?

I don't know if this man shared my same love. Of this movie. He did fall asleep. But I'm thinking, that had more to do with him going back to work. It's been over 2 weeks, since he'd worked. So I'm OK with his napping. In fact, I finished 2 presents I was making. :) A crochet blanket. And a baby set. I even got about halfway, with a scarf and hat set.

We ended our movie watching with Cast Away. And I even got some packing down. As this guy, and our fur babies are now, fast asleep. We really enjoyed this quiet night at home. Very unusual for us. But something that we both, enjoyed so much! I think we need to do this more. You know, without one of us being hurt or sick. Just make a new "Movie Date Night."

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