I don't know about you, but I LOVE to go shopping at Costco! Today, My Guy insisted that I go shopping. I think he had the big mall in mind, when he handed over the black American Express. For real...how many people have one of those things? They scare me just to look at them! I didn't want to go to the mall. It's some drive from where we live. Maybe My Guy thought I'd head to one of the cute boutiques not far from here. Nope. I just didn't want to shop.
But I did end up going to Costco. Because very last minute, I found out I'd be cooking for about 40 hungry gents tomorrow night. I don't know where the stores are there. So I headed to Costco here. :)
And like every trip to Costco, I got lost in the fresh fruit and veggie section. I just don't know how that happens! But it does. Before I knew it, I was leaving with flats of berries, grapes, and tomatoes. Yummy!
Right before we left, yes we're on the airplane right now, I rinsed off some raspberries. They are amazing! So delicious and sweet. And don't you tell a soul, but My Guy and I are almost done with them! This container is about 4X's the size of the pints you buy at the grocery store. Can you say it? We're enjoying some yummy, good for you, food!
I LOVE Costco! And not just for the free samples. Or those yummy berry sundaes. But because they always have the best produce. Honestly, if you are single, find some friends. Everyone can pitch in some money, and you can buy some amazing food! I used to do that when I lived alone. Or you can be like me and buy a flat of strawberries and eat them all by yourself! I do that still! Does anyone else love Costco like me? ♥
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