Today was a difficult day for My Guy. My recent illness has not helped either. Add a full day of work for him. Which is usually 18 hours…and lots of traveling. And an early morning doctor’s appointment for me. The end result isn’t very good. Especially when we had to be up so early this morning. Oh ya, in case you don’t know, we’re not morning people either!
I couldn’t sleep. I’m completely convinced that my days and nights are completely confused again. Being on bed rest since Monday, I’ve slept whenever, for however long, I needed to. So just imagine why I can’t sleep. And I was up way before I should have been anyway.
I got on twitter. Not a single friend of mine was up. I still have to remember we’re on the east coast. My friends are all out west. I read some blogs. I even enter some contests. I answered some personal e-mails. Too bad I was completely caught up on work. I would have loved to have gotten lost in some charts and files. But I just knew, I couldn’t go back to bed. Because I needed to be awake. You know, to wake up My Guy. The man that sleeps through alarm clocks and phone calls.
Alas, I went back to bed. Because I was cold. It didn’t help that our fur babies came looking for me. And honestly, nothing is better than cuddling up with the person you love. My Guy, he was awake. But still in bed, eyes closed. And completely lost in his own thoughts. I could just tell. I could also tell that he was upset by something. I kind of knew what. But it was my turn to be his rock. I just knew, eventually, when he was ready, he would talk.
We laid there for what honestly felt like 10 minutes, but in reality was more like 2 hours. Ya, My Guy was having a difficult day. You see, it is his dad’s birthday. And unlike most of us, My Guy no longer has his dad. I know he misses him. There are lots of times when I know he would give anything, to just talk with his dad. Ask him just 1 more question. I understand. You see, I might only be 27 years old. But my dad is 77. And he’s lost most of his brothers and sisters in the last few years. There are many days when I just sit and wonder what in the world I’m going to do without my dad.
My Guy was 26 when he lost his dad. It hasn’t been an easy time for him. He’s struggled along the way. And from what I gather, mostly from his grandma, in the last few years he’s wanted more and more to talk to his dad. I can’t blame him. And I can understand. You know, this relationship, it’s the first really serious one for him. He’s really growing up. Could use a little bit of advice along the way. And I think he could use someone to talk to about all of this. Especially when my health becomes questionable.
But today was just a difficult day. 2 grumpy heads finally got up. I showered as he called a co-worker. And while he showered, I made breakfast. We went to the doctor. It was his turn to be the rock. And he did a good job of holding my hand and making me feel like I was going to be OK. We rushed home and he rushed to work. To an event he didn’t want to go to. His sister called to see how I was doing, and essentially asked me to go if I was feeling up to it.
Many people are starting to notice how we’re really each other’s rock. And I knew he needed me today. Even if it was “behind the scenes.” So I hitched a ride. And I was there. I just wanted for him to know that I was there. No matter what happened, I was always going to be there. Through the good and the bad, he could always depend on me.
The rest of the day was filled with a crazy amount of work. Mostly for him. Traveling for both of us. And just about 30 hours of work shoved into less than 24 hours. But that’s us. I made sure to make a nice dinner. I knew he would want something small and intimate. Because it had been a tough day. So nothing fancy. In fact, by the time he got back for dinner, I was in an old t-shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants.
Not every single day of our lives is glamorous. Not every day is filled with excitement. But every single day is filled with love. And support. We ended the day talking about My Guy’s dad. He told me story after story. Showing me a few of his favorite pictures. With well worn edges. You could tell they’ve been loved. And it was nice to see the peace come over My Guy’s face. Now he’s fast asleep. 2 fur babies at his feet. Preparing for a long day of work tomorrow. And I’m here. Processing our week. It’s been a rather emotional one. But I’m glad that I have a man to love, and who loves me back. ♥
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