But yesterday, My Guy had to do some work. Nothing major, but some work. He was clearly done by the afternoon. And we were a little bored. Never mind that the heavens had opened up and it was pouring on us! Literally, everything around us had flooded. But you know, we were bored. There was no cell phone reception, no internet, no satellite TV. In My Guy's words, "It might as well be Little House on the Prairie." :)
So we decided to make a trip to Target. Let's just say, none of the stores were even remotely close to us. But you know us. We put on some warm clothes and hopped in the car. Call us crazy! With a capital C. It was pouring. And we were venturing to Target.
At one point, I wanted to cry. I really thought I was going to meet my Maker. It's a good thing that My Guy is such a good driver. Who knows what would have happened otherwise. But we made it. A trip that should have been 30 minutes, was more like 90 minutes. But we made it. And we were safe.
You're probably wondering why this post is called Flamingos. Well, once inside, I just had to hit the Dollar Spot. Don't you just love it? I do! There are so many fun things there! Even when I worked at Target, it was my favorite area. :)
And in the Dollar Spot, I found some cute Flamingos. Yes, the plastic kind you put in your yard. I couldn't walk away! Oh no I couldn't. They were $2.50 a piece. And I had my heart set on 2. Somehow, we walked out with 12. :) I can't wait to get home today. My Guy and I already know where we're going to put them. Yup, right around the pool. In between all the tropical plants and trees. Go us!
But here is a little background on my LOVE for flamingos...

When I was a little girl, I LOVED going to our local zoo. In my opinion, it's one of the best in the country. And they have Flamingos. Right as you walk in. I would stand there and watch these beautiful birds. Standing on one leg. And I would stand there, on one leg, watching.

Maybe it was their gorgeous pink feathers. Or maybe not. Since, as a kid, I didn't like pink. But I LOVED Flamingos. They just seemed so magical to me.

I also LOVED how when 2 Flamingos stood by each other, their necks made a cute little heart. Every single time I see something with a Flamingo, I just have to get it. It reminds me of the days when I would sit and watch the pretty pink birds as a little girl. I even have some Flamingo Christmas tree ornaments! I'm just glad that My Guy embraces my love as well. ♥
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