First, this apron. It's a size M-L.

Next are these cupcake purses. There is a pink, purple, and turquoise purse. Too cute!

Lastly, this little red and black tea set. With mini cupcakes and cookies! And a bag to keep everything in!
And it's just too easy to win! All you need to do is leave a comment with your favorite blog(s). I'm always looking for new, inspirational, fun, crafty, and interesting blogs to read. The giveaway ends on May 29th and 11:59PM PST. Good luck everyone! ♥
My favorite blog is trueup.net, it has wonderful new fabrics!
This is all really cute, thanks for the sweet giveaways!
Oh, those are so cute! My favorite blog is probably eighteen25. You will have to check mine out, too! www.turbobubblegum.blogspot.com
sims.whitney at gmail.com
Thanks for the great giveaway! My girls would love this stuff :) I like georgialeigh.com!
What a fantastic giveaway!Adorable!
My favorite blogs are:http://www.soulemama.com/soulemama/
and come visit me here:
www.oneprettything.com is so inspirational.
Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win! :)
these are wonderful! love the crocheted tea set.
How about my blog:)http://homewithmichelle.blogspot.com I love if you would check out my blog. I sooo love the cupcake purse!!! Thanks for the giveaway:)
Very cute!
One of my favorite blogs is www.pleasant-home.com
These are all so cute! I like www.funkypolkadotgiraffe.blogspot.com Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my gosh you are so talented! Those are all amazing!
I love http://placetobloom.blogspot.com/. It is kind of my pick me up blog.
I like this blog:
I love craftgossip.com that's my favorite!
Thanks for a chance to win!
sorgaards (at) gmail (dot) com
I absolutely love the purple cupcake purse! So cute!!
It's already been mentioned but my favorite blog for inspiration is OnePrettyThing - each day is some theme with many inspired posts from the blog world.
Love the tea set! I love waldorfmama blog. Such a beautiful blog.
What a lovely selection! I'd love to win the apron, but would be happy with any of the options. My favorite blog is probably Kitchen Stewardship.
Those cupcake purses are CRAZY CUTE!!! Check out my blog and giveaway at http://hopefulthreads.blogspot.com/
Thanks! :)
hi! thank s this is great...how bout my new blog?
Love, love that apron! Can it follow me home? LOL My fav blog is Stray Stitches! She has lots of interesting posts. Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
My favorite is sewmamasew, but you already know about that one.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite blog is howaboutorange.blogspot.com
This one is a favorite of mine.
I really enjoy this crafty blog... www.ikatbag.com. Thanks for the chance to win!
Check out my blog! :) http://trendymegs.blogspot.com
Thanks for the giveaway! :) I am participating too!
So cute! Great giveaways.
I really love nobigdill@blogspot.com and I also really love deisgnmom.
Sorry, typo: I meant designmom
Ooh, what a great giveaway! :) My fav blogs include Joys Hope (www.joyshope.com) and Lil Blue Boo (www.lilblueboo.com) - please come check out my blog (www.daydreambelievers.net) sometime too! :) Michelle
daydreambelievershop {at} gmail.com
Cute! Shameless self promotion for my blog! http://ravensrascals.blogspot.com is our Relay for Life team blog with information and monthly giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
ravensrascals at gmail dot com
Great giveaway, they are all fantastic prizes! My favorite blogs are "pioneer woman" and "Joy's Hope", thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
My daughter would love the teaset. That is really cute!I have too many blogs I read I couldn't pick one!
I love Somedaycrafts.com and Thepioneerwoman.com! :) Super cute stuff!! Great work!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
I love petit details blog. Thank you for a great giveaway. izazbz at yahoo dot com
Cute stuff! I would love to win! I love http://thecottagehome.blogspot.com/. She is so creative!
my favorite blog is king arthur flour's bakers blog! great baking ideas.
Thank you for the great giveaway.
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
I live most of the time in Canada, but also have a residence in the states, so I hope you can include me in the giveaway.
not a craft blog, but.... my sister randomly saw a woman dressed as princess leia, and asked about it (obviously...) so check out www.lifeasleia.com to escape the oppression of stereotypes and bla bla bla, this lady is dressing like princess leia for 6 weeks. Every day. complete with the buns.
I really like Moxie Fab World (http://www.moxiefabworld.blogspot.com)! Lots of creative inspiration! Thanks for a really great collection of giveaway goodies! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Hi, do you know about oneprettything.com? I visit it daily for lots of craft ideas. Cute prizes!
designsponge, apartmenttherapy, younghouselove
I love http://dooce.com/
but I also like
my favorite crafty blog is
your prizes look wonderful!
yobethie at hotmail dot com
My favorite blog is www.sewmamsew.com
ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
One of my favorites:
Thanks for the giveaway!
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com
I love Pink Penguin! Ayumi is totally creative and her blog is lovely. Would be awesome if you popped over to visit mine too. ;)
A great craft blog is http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/. Thanks for a chance!
I've got two blogs for you: www.onedaughtersjourney.blogspot.com (my daughter and her time in Uganda) and www.ordinary-time.blogspot.com . My friend writing about family, parenting and crafting.
http://mary.emmens.co.uk :)
I love that apron! I enjoy rep pepper quilts and Film in the Fridge.
lindsay dot forgette at gmail dot com
Awesome giveaway....thanks for the opportunity...scrapbook342(at)yahoo(dot)com obviously my fav is mine...asheradventures.blogspot.com....but I do love http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/
These are the blogs I visit most often, although my Favorites folder is full of many others.
The tea set is absolutely adorable! All of your items are, actually.
goldfishandpollywog at yahoo dot com
I really actually read SMS the most. I like their range of tutorials I also like Quilt Dad
mikeandjackiew at gmail dot com
Great giveaway! The cupcake purses are adorable.
One blog I like is tatertotsandjello.blogspot.com
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Love your apron! My new favorite blog is Chasing Cottons. She has some great patterns and even better inspiration and tutorials! Thanks for this chance to win! KERIHAG at YAHOO dot COM
Definitely my favorite blog...http://thepioneerwoman.com/ She has so much great stuff!
Do you ever read http://www.pinkofperfection.com/? It's one of my favorites!
So mny cute things! OMG! And one of my favorite blogs is http://thepioneerwoman.com/. You learn a little of everything.
I'm a big fan of the Pioneer Woman. She has some fun blogs, great recipes, and lots of photography tips. Which I need a lot of! :)
This is one of my new favorite blogs! http://www.mommagoround.com/
I've really been enjoying this blog. http://www.iheartnaptime.net/
Definitely one of my new favorite blogs! http://wranglersandribbons.blogspot.com/
I'm really enjoying http://hugelove.blogspot.com/. So inspirational!
I just love http://lovestitched.blogspot.com/!
Jen's blog is adorable! http://www.jpsuess.blogspot.com/
I just love Riley's blog! http://mikeandrileymears.blogspot.com/
One of my favorite blogs is http://racheldenbow.blogspot.com/.
Absolutely love The Daybook! http://tandsdaybook.blogspot.com/
The Dways is a great blog! http://thedways.blogspot.com/
I just love the healthy recipes on this blog. http://www.chocolatebroc.com/
I just adore eighteen25!
Kendi is my favorite! http://kendieveryday.blogspot.com/
Such a fun blog! http://www.lovemaegan.com/
I think Gemma is just so fun! She also makes YouTube videos. :) http://www.gemsmaquillage.com/
I really enjoy Sonya's blog. She blogs about all sorts of things. But mostly beauty. http://www.sccastaneda.blogspot.com/
Felt So Cute is one of my favorite blogs. I especially like her house tours. :)http://feltsocute.wordpress.com/
I hope I made it on time! I'm having problems with blogger tonight. :( But my favorite blog is http://www.dulcecandy.com/.
what lovely giveaways! too bad I'm too late :(
What a great giveaway.
My favorite blog is www.cupcakesandcashmere.com
P.S. We are having a giveaway on our blog. I hope you will jump over and enter.
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