Friday, March 11, 2011

Fraggle Rock

I'm going to "date" myself here. But oh well! My Guy and I were talking about this earlier today. Do you remember Fraggle Rock? Ya, I used to watch it all the time! We had talked about it, in passing, last week. But this morning, we were on a mission to find a video. Look at what I found!

That just made me smile. Yes it did! I don't know why. Maybe it just took me back, to when I was a kid. You know, during the crazy 80s. When I wore crazy fluorescent colors, "Hammer pants," and feathered bangs. At least I have the excuse, I was a small child. And I didn't know any better. But the TV, it was good stuff! ♥

1 comment:

♥Lola said...

Thanks for coming by my blog Anna. I'm glad you enjoy it. I'll be sure to visit your blog soon. :)